About CAFR
The audit profession has a well-defined place, essential in a modern economy, serving the public interest. Through their activity, auditors ensure the required benchmarks for a proper economic development, within a climate of business trust and fairness, thus meeting a significant social role.
The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR) is the professional body coordinating and monitoring financial audit activity in Romania, other than statutory audit.
The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania was established by Government Ordinance no. 75 / 1999 regarding the financial audit activity that provides statute and certification to the audit profession and the professional organization for financial auditors.
The mission of the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania is to build on a solid ground the identity and public recognition of the audit profession in Romania, the main aim being the sustainable development and consolidation of the profession through the adoption of the International Standards on Auditing and the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by IFAC, allowing financial auditors, members of CAFR, to provide high quality financial audit services in the public interest, in general and for the business community, in particular.
The financial auditor is the professional who, taking into consideration entities financial information, prepares an audit report providing an opinion on the credibility of such information.
The main activities of the Chamber:
- Continuous professional development;
- Member services;
- Control and monitoring of members’ activities;
- Internal and international relations with institutes, professional bodies and the business environment.
CAFR international visibility
In order to promote the professionalism of the Romanian financial auditors internationally, the Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania participates, as a member, in the activity of various international professional bodies and institutes.
CAFR is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) since 2008, of Accountancy Europe (AE) since 2010, of Professional Accounting Education Europe (PAEE) since 2018, of the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (EFAA) since 2020 and an institutional member of the International Association for Accounting and Research Education (IAAER), since 2010.
The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania has signed a number of cooperation agreements with other international similar bodies, from the UK, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Azerbaijan, Republic of Srpska, Lithuania, Cyprus, etc.
The current members of the Chamber’s Council are:
Adrian Popescu, Preșident
Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe Ialomițianu, PhD, Deputy President
Prof. Liliana Ionescu-Feleagă, PhD, Vice-president
Florentina Șușnea, PhD, Vice-president
Ioan Grigoriu, Vice-president
Assoc. Prof. Irimie Emil Popa, PhD, Council member
Assoc. Prof. Alin Constantin Dumitrescu, PhD, Council member
Mihaela Raluca Toma, Council member
Filip Stoica, Council member
Nicolae Covrig, Council member
Clemente Kiss, PhD, Council member