The VIIIth Congress of the Romanian financial auditor profession

Sustainability in Financial Reporting – New Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Audit

27 October 2023, virtual edition

Congress objectives

  • The purpose of this Congress is to gather leaders in finance, regulators, professional auditors and business representatives within a high level international event, to debate the topic of the day.
  • The VIIIth CAFR Congress is centred around „Sustainability in Financial Reporting – New Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Audit“ and has a vast international representation.

Congress topics

  • International level implementation of ESG principles;
  • European level transposition of the CSRD Directive;
  • Professional accountant’s role in enhancing entities capacity to apply and adapt to CSRD requirements;
  • Professional accountants’ CPD, covering sustainability education;
  • Audit related scientific research.

Target audience

  • Financial auditors and trainees;
  • Stakeholders and other users of information resulted from the audit report;
  • Academia;

Members of the Congress Scientific Committee

  1. Prof. Nicolae Istudor, PhD – President
  2. Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe Ialomițianu, PhD
  3. Prof. Liliana Ionescu-Feleagă, PhD
  4. Prof. Bogdan-Ștefan Ionescu, PhD
  5. Prof. Attila Tamas-Szora, PhD
  6. Prof. Ovidiu-Constantin Bunget, PhD
  7. Prof. Marian Siminică, PhD
  8. Prof. Iuliana Georgescu, PhD
  9. Assoc. Prof. Adrian Groșanu, PhD
  10. Prof. Maria Sobolevschi-David, PhD
  11. Prof. Ioan-Bogdan Robu, PhD
  12. Prof. Maria Manolescu, PhD
  13. Prof. Vasile Răileanu, PhD
  14. Ana Dincă
  15. Clemente Kiss, PhD
  16. Ciprian Teodor Mihăilescu, PhD
  17. Oana Buhăescu
  18. Mihai Ionica