The VIIIth Congress of the Romanian financial auditor profession
Sustainability in Financial Reporting – New Challenges and Opportunities for Financial Audit
27 October 2023, virtual edition
Congress topics
- International level implementation of ESG principles;
- European level transposition of the CSRD Directive;
- Professional accountant’s role in enhancing entities capacity to apply and adapt to CSRD requirements;
- Professional accountants’ CPD, covering sustainability education;
- Audit related scientific research.
Members of the Congress Scientific Committee
- Prof. Nicolae Istudor, PhD – President
- Assoc. Prof. Gheorghe Ialomițianu, PhD
- Prof. Liliana Ionescu-Feleagă, PhD
- Prof. Bogdan-Ștefan Ionescu, PhD
- Prof. Attila Tamas-Szora, PhD
- Prof. Ovidiu-Constantin Bunget, PhD
- Prof. Marian Siminică, PhD
- Prof. Iuliana Georgescu, PhD
- Assoc. Prof. Adrian Groșanu, PhD
- Prof. Maria Sobolevschi-David, PhD
- Prof. Ioan-Bogdan Robu, PhD
- Prof. Maria Manolescu, PhD
- Prof. Vasile Răileanu, PhD
- Ana Dincă
- Clemente Kiss, PhD
- Ciprian Teodor Mihăilescu, PhD
- Oana Buhăescu
- Mihai Ionica